A Leader in Lower Middle Market Transactions

We are experienced in preparing for and completing high-value transactions to maximize value. A national and international team of specialists. A track record of success. We look forward to being on your team.

Expert Exit Planning to Maximize the Value of your Business

Divesting a business is one of the biggest decisions in your lifetime. Prepare with LINK Enterprise to realize the true value of your business

National and International Buyer Base

We are about results. There are many consultants who will “talk” to you about exit planning. We go one big step further; we find the strategic, financial or individual buyer and construct the deal. You get the outcome you want – not long reports and theory.

A Leader in Lowest Middle Market Transactions

We are experienced in preparing for and completing high-value transactions to maximize value. A national and international team of specialists. A track record of success. We look forward to being on your team.


Specialists in selling high-value


Completed more than
200 transactions


Of expertise in Exit Strategy
& Business Sales


Confidentiality & Focus


Specialists in selling high-value


Completed more than
200 transactions


Of expertise in Exit Strategy
& business sales


Confidentiality & Focus

Preparing your Business for Sale

You only have one chance to make a positive first impression. We help you refine the operation, so it becomes as attractive as possible and produces maximum profits.

Achieving Maximum Value

Many business owners believe the value of their business is net profit, or gross sales, multiplied by an industry rule of thumb. Using this method will often give a different result than the value that can be achieved by an experienced transaction advisor.

Maintaining Confidentiality and Communication

We understand the importance of confidentiality and communication when it comes to selling your business.

Selling your business – smarter.

There are three key elements to selling a business, successfully.


Look far and wide for the best buyers.

The best buyers rarely come to you directly. LINK Enterprise offers expertise in defining the opportunity your business represents to the market, and then making direct contact with a wide range of potential acquirers. Confidentiality is key here and all potential acquirers are qualified and secured under a binding confidentiality agreement before specific details of your business are detailed.


Work with experienced brokers that get the job done.

Experience counts and the LINK Enterprise Team has a proven track record in successfully selling high-value businesses. We focus on maximizing the value of your business to make sure you don’t leave money on the table – let’s talk, confidentially of course.


Ensure that there are multiple buyers interested in your business.

Competition is an absolute must in any business sale process. So, to get the best value, deal terms and structure when selling, you need multiple potential acquirers at the deal table. LINK Enterprise has an extensive database of financial, strategic and individual buyers to create a competitive environment. We use contemporary marketing techniques, set deadlines, hold buyers to a timetable, control the process, and make it clear to buyers that there are multiple interested parties. We aim to bring you multiple options so you can choose the best fit and the right deal.

High-value Acquisition and Divestment

We specialize in selling lowest middle market businesses ranging in value from $2million up to $20million. Our industry experts can assist you in maximizing the value of your business in preparation for the sale process.

LINK Enterprise is a division of LINK Business, one of the largest and most respected merger and acquisition firms in the World with offices in the United States, New Zealand, Australia and the Philippines.

 LINK Enterprise offers the following services for businesses valued from $2 million up to $20 million:

  • Business Transactions – Seller Representation, Buyer Representation,
  • Business Valuation
  • Exit Planning
  • Consultation to Improve Business Valuation (Planning & Execution)

Understand and improve the value of your business

Rely on our expert business transaction advisors to assess the value of your business, guide you through the process of maximizing value, and find the best buyer for your business.